Restoration Kids

Our goal is to help our children become true disciples of Jesus Christ. We focus on building relationships, being examples, and teaching them God’s Word.


Preschool - 5th Grade

Our children will join us in worship at the beginning of each service, and be dismissed to their own teaching time prior to the sermon. The last Sunday of each month, our children will remain with us during the entire worship service. We believe our corporate worship gatherings will engage all ages, and children are often given the opportunity to be a part of leading the entire body in song, scripture readings and prayer.


We have a preschool ministry ready to show and share Christ with your preschoolers. We believe that even before a child can understand the scriptures, they can see it displayed through the love of those who lead them! Ages 3 and up are taught the Bible in creative ways they can understand, and given opportunities to interact with other children in applying its truth.

Safety & Security

Security and safety are high priorities at Restoration. We have a sign-in kiosk that you will need to visit as you bring your children to preschool. Please arrive a few minutes early if it is your first time with us.